Steve Scott


London, United Kingdom

Steve is a London based Illustrator and animator. Juxtapoz magazine described him as ‘witty, compelling, completely inspiring and diverse.’ His work has appeared in the Pictoplasma Berlin Character Design festival, the New York Guggenheim, BA British Animation awards and behind Led Zeppelin at their 2007 re-union concert. Clients have included Adobe, Burberry, Volvo, Wired Magazine, The Telegraph, Monocle magazine & Modular records amongst others.

Stanley Park Brewing

Can and packaging of a new beer / Stanley Park Brewing
Illustrations : Steve Scott

CDscope magazine of the Caisse des Dépôts de France

Steve Scott created these illustrations under the theme of human ressources in business for the magazine CDscope of the Caisse des Dépôts de France. We love the geometric, conceptual and vintage colors he chose!


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Illustrations : Steve Scott

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Bouygues Telecom

An illustration for the Carbon Footprint report produced by Steve Scott, in Bouygues’ internal magazine, Le Minorange.

Posters for the ski resort Val d'Isère
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Advertising illustration for Fontic
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Cover of Enedis magazine, of electricity network in France.
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Illustration for Enedis magazine, of electricity network in France.
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Cover of Condé Nast Travellers magazine
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CAA Magazine
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Robb Report : The modern luxury magazine
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Affiche JBJ
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Fifty-Nine Parks Print Series
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Welcome to the Jungle
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Welcome to the Jungle
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Welcome to the Jungle
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Welcome to the Jungle
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Welcome to the Jungle
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Carrousel du Louvre

Mural illustrated by Steve Scott for the Carrousel du Louvre, the mall located below the inverted pyramid of the Louvre.

Carrousel du Louvre
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Carrousel du Louvre
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Hanif Aditia portrait's for the Golden Arches McDonald's
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Chantal Cormier portrait's for McDonalds Golden Arches
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Henri B

Graphic signature and promotional campaign created for a new project of Montreal urban condominiums called Henri B, produced by MP1 agency. Steve Scott signed this beautiful series of illustrations which are proudly on bus shelters and billboards across the city.

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Val Thorens
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CAA Magazine
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Unofi, ad campaign

After creating their greeting cardSteve Scott illustrates the ad campaign for UNOFI. Note that the complete design and the production of this campaign were assured by Colagene Paris from scratch.

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Toyota Dealers
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Toyota Dealers
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Ferme du Pré
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Palatine Bank
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Palatine Bank
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Palatine Bank
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Delta Controls animation

Steve Scott created the illustrations for this animation produced by Common Theory for Delta Control. This video is used to promote their new product for the advanced technology of home automation of offices.

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Ubsek & Rica
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Ubsek & Rica
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Ubsek & Rica
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Venner Shipley
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Hollywood Reporter
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Royal Mail
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Royal Mail
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Royal Mail
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Venner Shipley
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Venner Shipley
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Venner Shipley
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