Marie-Eve Tremblay

Montreal, QC, Canada
Marie-Eve Tremblay is a travel junkie who finds inspiration in her trips abroad, be it from nature or situations in everyday life. Her take on the world is full of affection and humour, and her images are set apart by their warm tones, curious candour, and gentle whimsy.
La Bagnole Editions

Another nice children's book project for Marie-Eve Tremblay, "La Chasse aux Biscuits" from Editions La Bagnole by author Tristan Demers. Illustrated with brilliance, with funny characters, this book will appeal to kids and probably their parents too!
Murals for Bonduelle

Marie-Eve Tremblay had the pleasure of creating the wall coverings for the brand new Bonduelle food brand head office located in the Quartier Solaris, a clean, lively and colorful space!
Educational game

Here's a series of illustrations for the kit of an educational game dedicated to teachers and used to explain the electrical network. It's also used to educate children about energy efficiency in the village of La Romaine, an Innu Indian reserve in northern Quebec. This illustrative work was created by Marie-Eve Tremblay, and it's the Code Agency that designated and coordinated the entire project for Hydro-Québec.
Tendances Magazine

Marie-Eve illustrated LaSer group Tendances magazine. She had to illustrate a special file on french people relationship with credit, especially after the subprimes crisis. She mastered the concept and the final result is clearly represented, sophisticated and humoristic.
Contact Magazine

Marie-Eve Tremblay illustrated an article explaning all about patents for the fall issue of Contact Magazine published by Laval University.
Coup de Pouce and Laval University Contact Magazine

Here is a new illustration by Marie-Eve Tremblay for Laval University Contact Magazine. She illustrated, again with a lot of humor, an article about people who are happy to serve the Scientific Research by offering their services as human guinea-pigs.
Below, is following another illustration of a female tightrope walker holding a friend of hers in her hand. This one was creating, still by Marie-EVe, for a new Coup de Pouce Magazine Personal Life column, in which some advices to help your friends without getting personally affected are given.
Coup de Pouce Magazine

Editorial illustration, digital & drawing style, to accompagny an article on how to say no, for Coup de Pouce Magazine.
Government of Canada

Easter Island, Cuba, Paris.. There's a smell of holiday in the air! Here is a series of touristic locations illustrated by Marie-Eve Tremblay for different information tools (Facebook page, brochures, mobile apps, etc.) including the website created on the Government of Canada's initiative and addressed to Canadians travelling or living abroad.
Roche Bobois

Series of 4 corporative illustrations for Roche Bobois New York, these illustrations will appear in the private section of the website and can only be viewed by the client's members. Project produced in collaboration with Espresso Communication & Design.
400 coups Publishing

Discover the adventures of a bad-tempered chick, illustrated by Marie-Eve Tremblay in this first book titled La vengeresse masquée et le Loup (The Masked Avenger and the Wolf), written by Pierrette Dubé and published by Les 400 coups.
Illustrated book for Éditions Mic Mac

Marie-Eve was the first at the clinic to work with the publishing company Éditions Mic Mac for a fully illustrated children book. Here are some excerpts from the book COW la petite vache cache ses taches (the small cow hiding her spots), the story of a well determined cow. She also illustrated the book Cocci la petite coccinelle cherche ses taches (the small ladybug looking for her spots).
Max Malo à Vol d'Oiseau - Québec Amérique Publishers

Marie-Eve Tremblay was chosen to illustrate Max Malo's new adventures in the third tome of the series titled à vol d'oiseau and written by Bertrand Gauthier. The book is published by Québec Amérique jeunesse.