
Emmanuel Polanco / Philosophy Magazine Germany : German philosopher Martin Heidegger / Berlin

Here is an audacious portrait and 2 symbolic illustrations about the German philosopher Martin Heidegger. They were created for the magazine Philosophie (Germany) by Emmanuel Polanco, one of the collage artists at the clinic. To discover more portraits and conceptual illustrations by Emmanuel, take a look at his latest collaborations.

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Emmanuel Polanco / ParisTech / France

Editorial / L'École des Ponts ParisTech / Transitions magazine / "Données et modélisation" (Data and modelization).
Illustrations : Emmanuel Polanco

Emmanuel Polanco / Die Spiegel magazine / Germany

Editorial series / What is the power of artificial intelligence? / Die Spiegel magazine
Illustrations : Emmanuel Polanco

Emmanuel Polanco / HEC Stories magazine / Paris

Emmanuel Polanco continues his collaboration with HEC Stories magazine in Paris. For the dossier: About preconceptions on... War, the conflict in Ukraine will curb European ambitions.