
Levente Szabo / Commercial Observer / New York

Already a first commission for our new artist Levente Szabo to illustrate the article 'What's Happening at SLGreen?' for the American magazine Commercial Observer, specializing in commercial real estate trends and news.

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Levente Szabo / EDF / France

Éditorial / EDF / Le Mag / Les ports s'ancrent dans la décarbonation.
(The ports are anchoring in decarbonization)
Illustrations: Levente Szabo

Levente Szabo / Les Affaires Plus / Montreal

Cover and interiors / Ways to saty safe.
Les Affaires Plus
Illustrations: Levente Szabo

Levente Szabo / Caisse des Dépôts / France

Animated greeting card / Together! / Caisse des Dépôts
Illustrations: Levente Szabo