
Azzaro perfumes for Man and Azzaro Chrome / Monde

The brand new packagings of Azzaro perfumes for Man and Azzaro Chrome from the Summer Edition 2014 "An invitation to the journey" were internationaly reveal last month. Late 2012 / early 2013, Takeshi and Colagene had the privilege to work together with the incredible team of Clarins Paris. Our challenge was to illustrate the bottles and packagings with a shade and mood from de Latin America. We wish them a great success to this edition and Viva el verano! To see more about this project, visit the Azzaro website.

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We are Handsome

Takeshi and The Farrago worked in close collaboration on the creation of a pattern for the swimsuit brand We are Handsome


This wallpaper of the month is signed by Takeshi and it is entitled Collage Compositionnal Study. Do not hesitate to share it! Desktop version / iPhone version / iPad version

Collages study

Textures, materials, colors, shape, composition, movement... Takeshi pursues his swift studies of collages. Imagine your project with his mark; guaranteed success and astonishment!