
Emmanuel Polanco / Lehigh University magazine / Pennsylvania, United State

Lehigh University magazine has commissioned Emmanuel Polanco to illustrate the history of the Greco-Turkish War of 1897 for their Spring 2020 issue.

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Emmanuel Polanco / ParisTech / France

Editorial / L'École des Ponts ParisTech / Transitions magazine / "Données et modélisation" (Data and modelization).
Illustrations : Emmanuel Polanco

Emmanuel Polanco / Die Spiegel magazine / Germany

Editorial series / What is the power of artificial intelligence? / Die Spiegel magazine
Illustrations : Emmanuel Polanco

Emmanuel Polanco / HEC Stories magazine / Paris

Emmanuel Polanco continues his collaboration with HEC Stories magazine in Paris. For the dossier: About preconceptions on... War, the conflict in Ukraine will curb European ambitions.